Early Education

Kindergarden – 4th Grade

Featuring small class sizes and diverse learning areas, our early grades are designed to provide a personalized experience for each of our students.  

Our kindergarten through fourth grade classes meet three times per week in a traditional classroom setting that integrates all subjects, taught by one or two teachers at each level. These traditional classes offer a full course of study (Bible, Language Arts, Math, History, Science). Courses range from 30 to 60 minutes in length and are taught by the qualified teacher; students register for the entire program. Parents participate as at-home co-teachers, following the teacher-provided lesson plans.


Kindergarten learning objectives are individual to each student and designed to prepare students to successfully navigate 1st grade.

  • Single Class for a Single Grade
  • Reading Specialist
  • Music Program
  • Smallest Class Size
1st/2nd Grade

1st and 2nd grade share a Single Homeroom.  Each student receives curriculum and instruction specific to their learning level.  Other offerings for the 1st and 2nd grade class include

  • Reading Specialist
  • Music Program
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • 2 year rotation on some curriculum
  • Unique grade level curriculum for others
3rd/4th Grade

3rd and 4th grade share a Single Homeroom.  Each student receives curriculum and instruction specific to their learning level.  Other offerings for the 3rd and 4th grade class include

  • Reading Specialist
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • 2 year rotation on some curriculum
  • Unique grade level curriculum for others

Learning Areas




Language Arts





Curriculum Includes:

  • All About Reading
  • Handwriting Without Tears
  • Purposeful Design
  • Horizons Mathematics
  • Abeka
  • Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
  • Story of the World
  • Positive Action for Christ

Through Pagosa Valor Academy’s dual enrollment program with Colorado Homeschool Enrichment, we are able to offer a wide variety of electives for our students.

American Sign Language

"What I Need" Centers


STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)